Cameras on Cranes & HoistCam Director


Cameras on Cranes & Cameras on Cranes & HoistCam Director Service

Building developer and contractor discuss progress on a construction project at the job site

Building developer and contractor discuss progress on a construction project at the job site

If you’ve ever worked on a construction site or other such job sites, you have probably heard the term, “as-built.” This term refers to a set of drawings or other renderings which show the conditions of the job site as they currently exist. While maps and blueprints may show the basic structure of a job site, an as-built rendering shows the job site exactly “as is.” Where someone may have added a pipeline, buried a power cable, or dug a trench since the map was drawn up, the as-built rendering will show these changes. In cases where heavy machinery like a huge crane is being used, these as-built renderings can save lives, save a great deal of time, and  save a great deal of money by alerting the job foreman and crane operators to any obstructions and issues which could exist on the job site. Without an as-built rendering, an operator could easily drive into a trench, drive over and crush a pipe, or destroy electrical cables. It is easy to see how the as-built rending can help crane operators and job foremen. But now, crane operators can actually create these as-built drawings. “How?” you ask. With HoistCam Director

By attaching HoistCam’s cameras on cranes to the crane’s boom, or anywhere else on the crane, it becomes possible for the crane operator to maneuver the crane in such a way that he can record the entire job site. These cameras on cranes are attached easily with magnets and safety lanyard, and can also be used to monitor the job site, and give the crane operator a bird’s eye view of every lift. It is easy to see how beneficial HoistCam’s cameras on cranes could be, saving both time and money, and even lives on every job site.

As most construction site managers and foremen will know, these as-built drawings are actually required in order to receive the needed permits to begin construction or renovations. Now HoistCam makes it possible for you to not only have an as-built drawing, but the HoistCam Director creates a real-time , fully accurate video rendering of the entire job site. With the as-built video, the engineer, construction foreman, job site manager, architect, or owner can identify any issues which could arise on the job site, and take steps to avoid those issues. The service takes the raw data from the video and creates reports which can easily be read and used by the customer. HoistCam Director brings you a customized report of every inch of your job site.