One of the most important concerns on any type of job site is safety. Of course, anytime that heavy equipment is being used on a job site, there is an increased risk of injury to the people in the area, and a greater chance of damages to property. One of the most effective ways to handle this problem is to verify that the area within the crane’s lift is completely clear of any obstructions and personnel. Of course, this is done with the aid of a rigger, since the crane operator cannot always see the entire lift area. Or, at least, that is how it has always been. Thanks to HoistCam, this is no longer the case. By adding cameras on cranes, the crane operator can have full line of vision anywhere on the job site, including in what was once known as a “blind lift.” With this effective tool, the operator can verify fr himself that the area is clear of obstructions and people.
Worker Safety Comes First
Of course, if safety is one of the most important concerns on any job site, then worker safety sits at the top of that list. Until now, one of the most dangerous places for a person to work was on a construction site, cargo loading site, or other areas where large cranes were used. Because of the fact that the crane operator could not see his load from lift to drop, there were blind spots in the move that could have caused injury or death to the people below. Crane operators could only depend on the communication with the riggers below them to try and guide these huge loads high above the workers on the ground. One mistake or mis-communication could be fatal to one or many of those workers. The danger from this type of blind lift has been eliminated by HoistCam with the creation of our cameras on cranes. Using a monitor inside of the cab the crane operator can see every step of the lift, from pick up to drop off, with no blind spots!
Property Damage is Also Eliminated
With the blind lifts that we spoke of, property damage is also a huge risk. Anytime that heavy load is being move across a job site, not only are the people below at risk, but any property between the pick up and the drop off areas of the load is at risk of damage as well. Cameras on cranes from HoistCam can help the crane operator make sure that there are no obstructions in the path of the lift, and that none are moved there without him seeing it. This is done by monitor, which gives the operator a clear view of what the camera sees. Since cameras can be placed anywhere on the job site, there is literally no where that the crane operator can not see. This was not possible before inventions such as HoistCam’s cameras on cranes.