The Necessity of Crane Safety

HoistCamBuilding Safety, Construction, Construction Safety, Crane Accidents, Crane Safety, HoistCam, Steel

Crane Accident at Jacob Javits Convention Center

Building evacuations may look orderly, but that does not mean they are free of disorder and an atmosphere of fear. Picture having to evacuate a building in New York City, on the 17th anniversary of 9/11, because of a dropped beam from a crane.

Picture the effects of this accident near the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in which a chain reaction ensued with flashing lights and blaring horns; in which the Westside Highway was a parking lot filled with trucks, station wagons, and sedans, polluting the air with noise and particulate; in which a construction site was a sight for TV and print reporters to cover.

Picture, too, the alternative: the ability to see—and thus avoid—an accident-prone situation.

Picture a crane operator able to see everything he should see; everything he must see, thanks to cameras that increase safety by increasing visibility.

Picture the future made present.

View the entire story at ABC 7 at